The Huhney-Monster today launched his bid to become leader of the Liberal Dimocrats.
Who in their right mind would want to do that?
His flashy website states:
"The Liberal Democrats need an articulate, radical and effective champion. Chris Huhne will take the fight to our opponents. He will champion our name as a progressive, liberal party ready for power."
I wonder if the radical nature in Chris will see him advocate the same policy towards drugs that he espoused whilst a student at Oxford University. Namely:
"Surely no society has the right to impose its prejudices on its minority dissidents in the respect of their personal beliefs and actions. The university community has recognised that as fact. Drugs can no longer be despised as part of an escapist modus vivendi, and can be assessed as an accepted facet of our society."Huhne is crazy to want the poisoned-chalice of the Lib Dem leadership - perhaps he's off his mash on ecstasy-pipes....?
Source: ISIS Magazine, sometime in the 1970s.

Hat-tips: Times Online, Guido Fawkes
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